Contact Us

The easiest way to contact us is by email at

We will try and answer emails within 24 hours, but it can sometimes take a little longer if our volunteers are busy.

Our phone number is 01329 847162, although this will only be answered during parade nights.

Our address is Farm Road, Titchfield, Fareham PO14 4BD or find us on Google maps.

You can also express an interest in us or another Squadron by Finding your local Squadron and filling in the interested in joining form.

We would welcome any donations to help with our activities and support our cadets. You can donate using Just Giving. Don’t forget to include Gift Aid, which allows us to claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give and it doesn’t cost you any more.

Or if you would like to fundraise on our behalf, you can set an activity through Just Giving and all donations will come to us.