Join us as a cadet
Joining the Squadron
As a new cadet, you’ll join the Squadron with other new cadets in a recruit intake. We will be moving to one intake each year, which will be in September or October. The intake is known as C Flight.
Each new intake starts with a training day on a Sunday. You’ll meet the other new cadets, as well as some of current cadets and staff. You’ll start to make new friends and get to know the cadet NCOs who will be leading and instructing you. It’s definitely less busy without the whole Squadron being there!
You’ll start your time in 1350 Squadron with your Flight. You’ll train together during the first 4 months or so and will often become good friends. When you join as part of a group, it makes the new experiences more fun and builds a team from the first day.
C Flight Basic Training
Basic training lasts about 4 months and you’ll learn a whole range of subjects. These include the history and organisation of the ATC and RAF, uniform, drill, map reading, first aid, basic airmanship and radio training. There’ll also be some sports and teamwork activities. At the end of this training, you’ll graduate as a First Class cadet and have lots of opportunities for activities both on parade nights and at weekends.
In the first week or so, you’ll be measured for your uniform. As you progress through your training, you’ll be issued with your full blue uniform and camouflage uniform. By the time you complete basic training, you’ll be wearing the same uniform as all the other cadets and will know how to look after it to a good standard as well.
Our next recruit intake
Our next recruit intake will be in October 2024. We collect a waiting list for our intakes and then get in touch with everyone at least 2 months before the intake. We always start with an intake day, at a weekend, to kick off the 4 month basic training program. You’re also very welcome to join as a new cadet in the 2 weeks after this intake day. We will be contacting the potential recruits on our waiting list to arrange visits beforehand.
Please Contact Us to find out more, arrange a visit before joining and let us know that you are interested. Due to limited places, we are running a waiting list, and may not have space on the next intake.